There are certain transformations that happen to all of us at certain times, most of which are difficult to observe from our own perspective. No, I don’t mean like the kind that happens when you accidentally test out a teleporter device while a fly is stuck in it with you. I mean that we all undergo various transformative moments throughout not just our life in the broader sense, but every day and in everything we do. When we drop a couple of bucks in the bucket for the bell-ringing Santa guys around the holidays, we tend to walk off from such a minor action feeling just slightly better about ourselves, transformed in some tiny way that puts off a glow of charitability. After a romantic romp with our spouse, we tend to go into work the next day with a slight glow of romanticism or just plain feeling good and accomplished about what recently transformed our attitude, and maybe even woke the neighbors up if you had a really romantic time.
On the other hand, we have to remember that street goes both ways. How many times have you won a fight or just an argument and felt triumphant right afterwards, but then slightly less awesome after more time went by and you realized that no one actually wins fights and arguments? Have you ever had to break up with someone, but genuinely didn’t want to hurt their feelings? Usually, that kind of situation doesn’t go well no matter how well intended you may be, and you probably walk away with another type of glow; one that’s less, well, glow-y and more dark and depressing. A lot of business owners and managers experience this more often than they’d like when they have to fire or lay off an employee—at least the ones who don’t enjoy that sort of thing.
Yes, that’s pretty much the size of it. Scale back the perspective for a moment and think in real simple terms. What do you do for a living? If you cook food for a living, then chances are you’re known to the rest of the world as a “cook” or a “chef.” If you work on cars, you’re known as a “mechanic,” plane flyers are called “pilots,” and so on. Whatever it is that you do for a living, chances are you do it a lot, and it not only affects the way people see you, but it also affects how you see the rest of the world. For example, I used to work in film special effects for years, so now every time I watch a movie a can immediately understand how a trick was done, or notice all the screw-ups that made it onto the screen (you see, transformative for better or worse).
This also applies to all sorts of other things too though, not just jobs. If you play video games a lot in your free time, we know you as a “gamer.” If you drink a lot of alcohol, chances are people might know you, at least behind your back, as a “drinker” at best or an “alcoholic” at worst. People who fund regular charities and humanitarian activities are reverently referred to as “philanthropists” to acknowledge their deeds to the public, while folks who run around stabbing people to death are scathingly labelled as “murderers” to the rest of society for everyone else’s protection. All that being said, you can probably now start to think about “what” you are to the rest of the world. But, that’s really not the point of this little article.
Realizing that this is starting to read a uncomfortably like a self-help book, I’ll bring it back to some practical insight. Every time we interact with the world, it’s like a lump of clay being shaped. Some things make big handprints while most things just little dings here and there. Occasionally, something comes along that carefully molds a section of the clay into something pretty interesting and sometimes the small things can cut nasty little gashes all over it. The question to think about is this—Are you an active participant in molding your own clay? There’s a lot of stuff that seems to keep coming along and imposing nasty dents and scrapes on us, despite our best efforts. It’s how life is, sucks most of the time. But, every smile, every laugh, every scowl, and every groan and grumble all make little marks that we usually can’t notice as it’s happening. Too often, we don’t notice until the multitude of small marks result in a much larger and more gradual transformation, very similar to how gaining a bunch of weight doesn’t happen overnight, it happens one Oreo at a time (no offense to Oreos, which I do enjoy).