I’ve always heard people say things like “you’re always right on the other side of happiness,” and, “just pull through, tomorrow’s another day,” and the like, particularly when things seem at their worst. And, those folks that are usually giving you that generic, newspaper-horoscope-quality advice (you know, the kind you can’t really argue with) are usually “right on the other side” of your crappy day. As I write this article, chances are that I’m having a crappy day myself. Don’t get the wrong impression though, I’m not just being a pessimist. The odds are statistically in my favor that today is going to be total crap, at least more so than the odds that it’ll be totally awesome.
As I often dislike doing it, I’m going to have to use the term “providence” once again here, just briefly. If you’re someone who believes in providence, then you likely believe something to the effect of there being a divine machination for the universe, that God has a plan for us all, or that the yin and yang hang in eternal balance of good and evil, and such like. Providential thinking is inspiring, confusing, and dangerous all at once, depending on where you take it in your mind. I’ll come back to the dangerous part in bit, though. If there’s a divine plan for the cosmos, then it’s just that, a divine plan—not one that you or I could ever hope to understand. If you even make a college try at understanding the grand and inconceivable scope of a divine arrangement in the whole cosmos, then you’ll pretty quickly understand that it’s… well, inconceivable. That being said, we might end up in the same spot as a materialist when thinking about what happens in our day, which is like everything else, healthy in moderation but dangerous in excess.
“What about evolution?” you might ask. And, you’d be right to ask that. Some opponents of evolution argue that the odds of life starting all on its own and continuing as successfully as it has are inconceivably remote, as are the chances that we would even have a planet that would be environmentally conducive to supporting it. On the other hand, some advocates of evolution also argue a similar point, i.e., that while the odds are staggeringly against such success, it’s all a numbers game over an inconceivably long amount of time. In other words, roll the dice enough and no matter how “unlucky” you are that day, you’ll get the numbers you need eventually. I would say both of those arguments make strong points. While there is inconceivably abundant evidence that evolution has been taking place for billions of years, the odds of it successfully happening by chance alone on a planet that just so happened to be able to support it by chance alone are… well, again, nearly inconceivable. Without delving into a science and religion talk as I’m prone to do, I’ll leave it at that—life has been evolving for longer than we even know and the chances it could happen totally at random are staggeringly low, though still possible (obviously).
So, faithful abandon is a sort of thoughtful indifference. Not nihilism though, because that’s just lazy. The faith is simply that if things have gone so swimmingly for the whole of the planet for so long, then chances are that something good is constantly in the works, even if we don’t know exactly what it is (that goes for everyone—even if you believe this or that about the divine plan, the truth is that you don’t know anything for sure). This faith comes in to the mix, not because we count on God giving us good days. That doesn’t hold much water when we look around the world at children who were born in deplorable living conditions and people who are subject to all sorts of uncontrollable maladies and unfortunate events. No, I’m afraid if you got that promotion you wanted and you go around gratefully touting that “God came through for you,” then you’re probably going to look like a total jackass to the other person who might have deserved and wanted it just as much, who apparently God forgot about… not to mention the starving child in an underdeveloped country who can’t even scrape up a bite of food.
It’s not the size, large or small, of this scale that should bring us comfort, but it’s that there is a scale at all that brings me some comfort. It’s all arguable, but then again, pretty much anything is arguable, depending on how you look at it and what your convictions are, so try and keep an open mind. Don’t take comfort that God will give you even a single good day, because every person’s good day is another person’s bad day. For every twenty-dollar bill you unexpectedly find on the sidewalk, some unfortunate person lost their last twenty they needed for groceries that day. Instead, take comfort that your existence has any meaning at all, because in the grand scheme of the cosmos, it shouldn’t have even happened, and it’s kind of inconceivable that it ever did.